
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Gift

You know that whole awkward stage in the very beginning of a relationship where your not sure where it's headed? I don't like it one bit. I hate the uneasiness of okay am I single or what? Now that the weird stage is over I feel more comfortable talking about it. Kevin has been my boyfriend for little over a month now. He is great! I feel lucky and happy to have him in my life. He even lets me keep a dog bed at his place and a toy so I can bring Deuce, my larger than life dog, when I go over there. Now that I've filled in all the details here is my problem. Well it's not really a problem.

With Christmas coming up I have no idea what to do. He asked me what I wanted for birthday, graduation, and Christmas not too long ago. I have no idea. I like to be surprised. What he said got me thinking. I finally thought to ask him what he wanted for Christmas. He told me he already has everything he wants. Well Hmmm... Then I thought I had the perfect idea. Instead of exchanging presents I asked him if he would want to go to the mall and get a Christmas Angel and we can buy a needy child a gift instead. He told me he would love to do that and also said that this is our first Christmas together. So, now I have no clue what I should do. Right now he's out of town on business so I'll probably just ask him when I get back. Part of me thinks that in addition to the Christmas Angel gift that I should also get him something thoughtful. And what do guys really find thoughtful? Did I mention that I am not good at buying man presents? Any ideas?? Anyone???


Anonymous said...

How about buying him tickets to something?

AZ Larsens said...

Yuck, I have a hard enough time trying to think of things to buy for my own hubby! He's so difficult. The only time I KNOW he liked his present was when I completely cuaght him off guard and bought him an MP3 player. Our price limit was like $50 but I went WAY over (like 5 times over), so he had NO idea it was coming and I knew he wanted one. It was so great!

Is he into any sports? My hubby is into the UFC so I got him some magazine subscriptions about MMA last year. Or, I don't know, is he crazy about movies? Or music? Maybe concert tickets?

Mrstx said...

I bought Jeff fireworks last year and he loved them! That shows me that guys don't care about trinkets and 'stuff'. They just want their girl to 'get' them, you know? What does he do for a living? Does he fish, golf, hunt, surf, read, etc and get him something along those line! Good luck hun!

Angela said...

Those are good ideas!!!! Thanks for the help.

Lets see he likes almost every sport possible (esp. football). Which i didn't realize was on 3 days out of the week. He loves to golf, drink beer and wine, jazz, theater stuff i think (not like plays but nicer stuff). He runs and designs web-based programs for the company he works.

chlorinemonster said...

could always take him to a nice dinner ;) I've always wanted to go to the melting pot. have you been? someday I'd like to take Chris there.

I guess i got lucky in that Chris is so easy for me to find things for. Every other guy I have the hardest time finding things for. But, I have a problem when I go places because I see so many things that he'll like and am tempted to buy him.